I’m a London-based fashion writer and editor, originally from Puglia, Southern Italy. I’m a quiet maximalist & quite lactose intolerant.
My goal is to help slow fashion brands connect and engage with young consumers, incorporating elements of slowness and introspection to the shopping experiences, making it a more empowering and community-oriented experience.
Controra Fashion Club:
Controra, the title of this project, was an important part of my life growing up in Southern Italy. Back home, it’s that time of the day between 2pm and 5pm when everything slows down (the equivalent of siesta). It’s a moment of stillness and rest, but also of conviviality; friends and families sharing stories, memories, coffee, aftersun lotion and dating advice. I think there’s something beautiful in that.
Now, as a young professional, I want to utilise my skills and the contact network I’ve been building to support and champion emerging, ethical brands, creating digital and physical spaces where young consumers can directly interact with these brands’ stories, sharing their own stories and experiences. Judgment-free, convivial spaces. I want joy to be at the center of my practice and future interventions.